Guardian Angels Program

Each day the Woodland Healthcare team is committed to providing compassionate care for our patients. It may be a routine exam, a lifesaving surgery, or simply someone to hold their hand; our medical team is dedicated to caring for you, your loved ones and the community with humankindess. These caregivers are known as our Guardian Angels.
Has a doctor, nurse, staff member, or volunteer provided special care that made an impact during your visit? In appreciation of extraordinary humankindness, many patients ask how they can express their appreciation for the care they have received.
The Guardian Angels program provides grateful patients, and their loved ones, an opportunity to thank caregivers and other Woodland Healthcare staff who have made a difference in their care—by making a gift to the Woodland Healthcare Foundation in their name.
Your Guardian Angel will receive a card informing him/her of your kindness. We will share your message with your caregiver. No gift amount will be disclosed.
Yes, I want to honor a special caregiver!